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Training module

Common Law and English Legal Translation LL.M

The Common Law and English Legal Translation Lawyers and Consultants Training Programme is for the duration of 4 semesters at the end of which you will be entitled to hold an LL.M title. In the course of the programme, you will be grounded in legal translation from Hungarian into English and vice versa while exploring and acquiring the required terminology as well as deepening your understanding of how this transformation is reflected in a variety of legal aspects in most common law systems.

International and European Trade and Investment Law LL.M

This course provides thorough professional and theoretical education for students interested in the investment and commercial environment of the European Union. Students who intend to be corporate managers or emissaries in diplomacy or aspire to build successful legal careers in connection with the EU in any other field will also benefit from the course.

German Law and Legal Translation LL.M

Ezek a kivételes képzések lehetővé teszik, hogy a hallgatók megismerkedjenek Németország jogrendszerével és jogi terminológiájával, melynek eredményeképpen karrierjük során sikerrel használhatnak idegen nyelveket – akár saját hazájukban, akár az Európai Unióban.

Undergraduate and Graduate Courses

The palette of courses offered by the Institute for Comparative Law and Legal Theory provides a cross-section of the entire legal training. As such, it comprises a variety of compulsory courses to be taken, among which one may find The World of Legal Systems, Basics of Social Sciences, Legal Theory, Sociology of Law, revealing the general operational framework and principles of the Hungarian and foreign legal systems. Besides compulsory ones, the Institute offers a broad spectrum of specialised and practice-oriented courses. Adjusted to the research fields of the Institute staff, these courses are offered to anyone as electives and may also be taken by those participating in the International Legal and Foreign Language Module. Furthermore, the Institute organises training programmes in various foreign languages for graduate and post-graduate students.

Comparative Intellectual Property Law (CIPL) LL.M

This program provides thorough professional and theoretical education for students interested in the intellectual property law of the leading countries of cultural industry and industrial property law.